Saturday, August 1, 2009

Evangelism at Pasua: Wednesday, July 29

On Wednesday, we visited a town called, Pasua, just outside of Moshi (If you’re in Americus, the drive is similar to going from Americus to Plains; if you’re in Virginia Beach, it’s like traveling from Virginia Beach to Portsmouth) The leaders at Maskai Yake decided on this area because there are many Muslims there.

Though we though there would be many adults there to minister to, there were over a hundred kids that showed up. My friend, Georgia and I, danced and played with the kids the entire meeting. By the time the sun set, our feet were covered in dirt from jumping, running and dancing with the children. It was great!! Some of the other team members prayed with the adults who were standing in the distance. Overall, I think it was a successful first visit as we plan to go again next week. This time, we hope to bring goodies to the kids. One of our team members is a children’s pastor from New Jersey (by way of Egypt) and oversees ~600 kids. She was disheartened by the fact that we didn’t have anything to give the kids and so we may make goodie bags to give them next week. Prayerfully, more kids will come and we will be able to minister God’s love to even more children ☺… Napenda watoto sana (I love kids so much)..

Please pray that the parents of the children will attend the meeting and that God would grant us wisdom and strategy approach to reaching them.

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