Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Still in Tanzania and Embracing It!!

There is such security and safety that we experience and that we have in the arms of such a loving Father. What a blessing!

This has been an amazing experience for me here, guys. I wish I could share everything with you, but its almost impossible. I have learned so much and have been exposed to so many things that its going to take some time when I return home just to process it all. I am enjoying every minute of it though. I will be home soon, so I look forward to seeing you all. I will be MIA for a couple of days just so that I can finish my projects and debrief in my spirit....I know I need it though… whew!!!

Since I haven’t posted in a while, I would like to give you a quick summary of what I have done the last two weeks. The following paragraphs will include a summary of weeks 3 and week 4… Enjoy!!

Right now, I am in a little restaurant called, Dubai. Interestingly enough, we’re in the southern part of Tanzania in a town called, Mtwara. Part of our Moshi team returned to America August 6th and we (Janine, one of my team leaders, Abigail, their baby girl, and I) left from Moshi to travel Mtwara on August 8th. It is here that the Antioch Missionary Bible College was launched back in February. Janine and I have been teaching the students English for the last week and will teach one more week before we leave Africa on Saturday.

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